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      Source: Rules (PDF file)


      Score the most points by crossing out as many numbers in the four color-rows as possible while avoiding penalty points.

      How to play

      In this solo version, you're always the "main player" and roll all six dice every turn. You have to cross at least one number (into the four color-rows or a penalty) and a maximum of two into the four color-rows.

      The cell you can cross is either:

      Numbers must be crossed out from left to right in each of the four color-rows. You do not have to begin with the number farthest to the left, but if you skip any numbers, they cannot be crossed out afterward.

      If you wish to cross out the number at the extreme right end of a color-row you must have first crossed out at least five numbers in that row. Crossing this last number will increment your number of cells crossed in a row by 1 and lock the line (which has effect on other players in a multiplayer version).

      The more you cross cells on a color-row, the more points you get, see below. A penalty cell costs 5 points.

      Score table
      X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
      # 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78

      End of game

      The game ends if either:

      Total score is calculted as follows: sum of points per color-row (see table above) minus penalty points if any.